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» » MC Thanh Bach explained about wedding hostess Thuy Nga

"Starting from the encounter by chance, we become intimate, can exchange anything in life," shared veteran MC.

- Recently, rumor he and Ms. Thuy Nga - hostess central Paris by night marriage. How real this bitchy?

- There are friends in life, their position is greater than the ordinary people. The relationship stems from the sincerity and mutual respect. I and sister Thuy Nga in the extent of the field of art, the two people with the same ideology to serve humanity. Wherever you are, the dedication and serve with all my heart. Starting from the encounter by chance, we become intimate, can exchange anything in life, concerned about the health exchanges as well as many other things. That's where the charm is not found. Therefore, I do not care who speak out, to say no or to make comments.

When two people meet each other in the world, of course, the audience does not understand will be many interpretations. I only can say everything we cooperation based on the spirit of serving the arts and spiritual factors are important. In this life, one free in thought, in love will have a lot of energy to be able to do anything you want with ease.

- And the emotional image of two who is said wedding photos, with the participation of numerous friends were recorded in what circumstances?

- I and sister Thuy Nga go to an event at a tea room. Through a joke of the MC that day was our wedding day, immediately people clapping tickling and saw it as the truth. At that time we should have photographed accompany together, holding more beautiful bouquet.

Real gold does not fear fire. When people want something hot events, that is woven, as long as it does not affect the two of us is. Just carefree, innocence to find true joy. What are awarded for life, I just gave it.

- As a TV presenter for years, I think of the MC "horizontal arms", former actors, singers?

- I think that this is normal. Unlike other professions, occupations host no schools or specific documents to training. But in areas where conditions cinematography, production, music development, if someone is available talents, accumulated enough bravery, they are easy to outbreaks. In France, some MC work comes from street vendors. A manufacturer of flat recognize voice and style appropriate to the radio and decided to invite to work. Or in the US, a black person to own characteristic voice is detected and then quickly change your life. That's some talent cases were discovered among ordinary people, and then going vocational occupations.

However, film language switching to MC should be noted, needs a clear round letters belt to spectators to understand. Also said it was very difficult because life will swallow all letters. All these things need to have self-discipline. In this profession, one has the passion just looked through 30 seconds is enough to know.

- It's an uncompromising circular rim MC is clearly the letter said, but two names are quite popular today and Changjiang Hari Won obviously not do this. According to him, this affects how people see?

- In art there are many strange things. Besides the characters are trained in accordance with the standards will be an isolated case, are not repeated. These people are seen as the quarter, which was not easy.

Hari Won said non-standard, the audience to understand when not, but she's nervous system artist, very intelligent and sensitive. If Hari fool will definitely do not like what today's audience favorite. She knows more of what to say. How to talk fluently was respectable, but also used the word, pun let others know it is no laughing matter. A Korean who do this should be based on the passion and intelligence.

Truong Giang also has a voice makes lovely Central became in the eyes of people. He has beautiful eyes, mouth combined with grace to make a beautiful portrait. However, this portrait was scaled back, add a few strokes caricature becomes funny. The most important thing that Jiang did, beyond all these techniques is the natural, without taking performance. It is this, myself or those who do longtime art must always pursue.

I think Changjiang luck, he's just something missing that point will certainly not be enough to do that today.

- The MC of The Voice Kids, Thanh Bach continued to appear in children's playgrounds tiny hero as judges. He himself felt age and his style are consistent with these programs?

- The little spontaneity always abundant energy, we can play from morning to night, in anywhere but tireless. Myself doing the program for children, I must first have the interest, track and inspire them. I feel I have a strange attraction to children. I go to any events they were followed. There is little to say, but even unknown Thanh Bach familiar face from watching TV.

People think I join a lot of programs for children, but in fact the other activities which are not always televised live to viewers known. There are business networking events, well-known businessman, if he himself does not have the platform MC and psychological flexibility, how the characters in the range that can be easily shared?

Besides, I also participated in an exchange program with soldiers and veterans. They love it when I review the resistance songs, memories of combat. That's about where the audience does not see.

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