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» » Blame your sister's boyfriend Ngoc Trinh giants?

This time, on a personal website Ngoc Trinh also regularly writes status related to romance.

Born in 1989, this year 27 years old, Ngoc Trinh had in hand a lot of things at this age girls dream of: Gaming endowed excellence, famous business, the volume of assets worth several million dollars .. .

However, despite repeated cry at the thought of longing for a wife and a mother, Ngoc Trinh has not been satisfied.

Sticking with boyfriend giants nearly 7 years, Ngoc Trinh still accept to live in the present condition that has not been road royal wedding dress, there is a perfect family.
Recently, Ngoc Trinh sister also posted a status line quite mood to Facebook. She injured her sister is still "lacking" a shoulder. And sent to Ngoc Trinh encouraging words:

"Beautiful face. The smile, the ngiep success, but ... still feels a little lacking. Lacking a bit of attention, lack a bit of sulking, lacking a bit of coddle, and feel that lack of a shoulder.

If all integrity, it will face more beautiful, radiant smile will be more, right? Harder than us. Come on girls! "Ngoc Trinh sister wrote.

The encouragement of her sister Ngoc Trinh reproaches like a boyfriend giants sent to his sister. Ngoc Trinh and her family are longing "queen of lingerie" had a perfect life, more meaningful.

Many friends and fans to encourage Ngoc Trinh well: "He whom heaven is not all", "Wishing you love is always cheerful and happy more offline you love. With fresh sage will see that, All the best tries you love ", ...

Besides, there are some who suggest Ngoc Trinh should "seek a new shoulder."

A few years ago, Ngoc Trinh once said she wanted to marry at age 25-26 years, but perhaps this plan was unsuccessful.

Earlier this year, Ngoc Trinh again confided that she allows her "freedom" a further 2 years by respecting her thoughts U50 my boyfriend.

Trinh Ngoc confided, when expressed desire married with children, who love her no action is taken, you just choose silence.

But she understands that her boyfriend was nearly 50 years old, whose career and Ngoc Trinh their own problems should not be forced. She herself did not want to say much about the problems that people do not want to mention.

Ngoc Trinh accept and wait, because for her it was the most beautiful love, the emotion that she could not be separated.

However, Ngoc Trinh also said, the youth of the girls are not too long, up to 28 years if the boyfriend did not speak, she did not achieve her desire, then maybe she would have said the changes are not advance.

This time, Ngoc Trinh Facebook also regularly appeared mood status related to romance. Many predict that, she was very anxious for a nice ending May after waiting for so.

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