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» » The true image of Elly Tran postpartum body

Although not really swallowing nà as always, but the true picture of Elly Tran received a lot of praise from everyone.

Among the "mothers milk nappies" of showbiz Vietnam, Elly Tran always topped the list of beautiful people owning most nà body swallowing.

Despite undergoing two consecutive births but Elly Tran retain firmness, neatly made many people admire.

However, sometimes due to the use of photo editing software, so many people are skeptical about the authenticity of the photos posted on Facebook Elly Tran. They said that the body of Elly Tran could not be so slim.

Recently, the "Mothers 2 children" Elly Tran shared two new photos. In the photo, Elly Tran bikini, leaning against the wall and posed.

According to many netizens, the authenticity of this photograph is very high. Elly Tran does not seem to use the editing software. Her face is so rustic, no makeup sparkling as ever.

Therefore, many people can see Elly Tran skin color are not really smooth. Her waist is not as common flat.

Even, some netizens have "mistakenly" is Elly Tran pregnant 3rd Some reviews also said Elly Tran looked so glamorous and a lot hotter.

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