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» » Kinh Quoc say about marriage elderly giants

Tri of "Career" frankly said he and his wife come together because of sympathy and love. Both have registered their marriage and 2-year-old daughter share.

Kinh Quoc constantly going on between Saigon and Vung Tau by a business is, where the family. Currently, he started at shooting, but try a new role - director and producer. Referring to the short film Do not joke with the girl, he exclaimed: "The first time producer, no experience has lead to a lot of capital. Chiang acting 20 years, anticipate every situation, no doubt remain a soldier new. Everything was very lethargic. "

Get giants is nothing bad?

- Two years ago there have been rumors he loved women in Vung Tau giants but now he openly new subject, why so?

- After the divorce from his first wife, I do not want to talk about feelings in the media. Two years, I still hear people gossip giants have bought your car, invest in the business, but the fact I'm doing my job. My new cosmetics business and try to direct, short film makers Do not joke with the girls.

Why do people keep prejudices - actor is to ask giants. This is like taking advantage of but I have a job, raising children full, has homes in Saigon but first must in rent.

If true, then I know what's giants is bad, maybe I just have not used hot girl, beautiful people. Love is no formula. If you love each other from the outset because the profit, calculated it will never be reliable and sooner or later there is no good outcome.

I have over 40 years of age, underwent a breakdown, to keep long-lasting relationship, there must be many factors, not just good looking, have more money. I and she had registered their marriage, but I fear his private life affected if publicly. So on Facebook, I do not put the wife and kids.

- Before and after he publicly wedding picture still believe he got older giants. What do you say about this?

- I also heard many people ask about it. In fact, the wife is my age, but women with children, veterans, it is always hard to look over. Moreover, I was younger than the truth. Sometimes I play a young actor with poor girls age 10 but still disproportionate.

As far as I sincerely love each other as they age, are not a problem. Both my wife and I both knew that, at this age need practical, family is important to have calm. If this age are elated, romance does not know how old the new stable. We identified two people nurture, develop and support each other in their work and life.

- Does she have invested and helped him a lot in the first try making a short film production "Do not joke with the girls"?

- If you do not make money this year, how do I take care of the child? Only thing experienced wife, calculations should advise me to work more convenient. Artist Business not everyone is successful, many te fringes, broken face it. So, when I started a new business field, thanks to the advice, feedback wife so I do not fall into the tragedy carnage.

Dislikes pompous wedding

- In the film, he worked, she starred with 4 beautiful hot girl, hot. She has frequently appeared on set with him?

- Women do rolls jealous but once trust each other, there is no jealousy thing. 20 years of acting, I work with many beautiful, if security is easy to vibrate, the people I love so much or why.

I do not deny yourself the beautiful girl enthusiasts. The beauty who does not like but must understand what is important. At this age, especially experiencing crashes, I can not keep playful. I define here are the final nest should have to cherish and preserve. If longer romantic, uplifting, it will have to pay dearly. So, working with the beautiful girl, I see them as juniors, there is a certain distance.

- He and his wife had a beautiful daughter, a family-type "United Nations" Such difficult to reconcile?

- This is the problem with the family as I am and let everything go on regulated not an easy one. Fortunately at the beginning, when deciding love my wife, I said: "If we combine the child is his child. She had two children of their own. Frankly, I loved them."

Days ago I had a son, always desire to have a daughter, daughter to 3 hours. Especially own 2 children are injured my wife. In the circumstances of my husband if his wife did not see their children and vice versa, it will cause major consequences. If there is no distinction, whether in thoughts will also make things unstable.

- He is known for dimensional stepson, wife react when her son looked thoughtful and remained close relationship with former wife's family?

- Boys head pitiful situation, not close to my mother and father love me the most. I find ways to compensate for the child. I'm glad and happy when every time asked: "Who I love the most?" is never the answer is: "The three most injured".

My wife is also experiencing crashes so she can see the problems and shared with me a lot about taking son. Sometimes she also reminds me to put her son to meet the sisters.

- Registered marriage and wedding photography, so plan to organize his wedding How?

- I do not have to put heavy pompous wedding story that is important is to live together. Abroad, there are new people living decades wedding there. I also do not think happy family based on the marriage papers. Therefore, we shall live together every day.

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