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» » Duong Cam admits Lynh pregnant with manufacturers 'mask of blood'

The actress shared her take on the lead role in the film directed by Do Thanh An is due to the force, not because of emotional ties.

During pregnancy, you stick to the film scandal , this affects how you?
- Phase I stress that causes fatigue. Due to pregnancy, my mentality is not stable and difficult to control emotions. I cried a lot. I'm afraid it affect your unborn baby.  You worry son and family abroad so advised me recuperate. 
Duong Cam Lynh at six months pregnant.
Before her pregnancy rumors with the producers of "The mask of blood," she explained why?
- My boyfriend is true that the film makers mask of blood . But me and him know each other before this film idea. We encounter the same play in the French Film Festival in 2014. He is the Australian overseas Vietnamese, as well as a friend of the director Victor Vu. We meet and talk very comfortably. Amid emotional sadness, I was so pleased with vent this man. Honestly at that time I do not care what job he does, does not know he is a film producer. Then about Vietnam, the two sides meet friends, I knew my boyfriend also invest field of film.
Once the two of us and Do Thanh An to Dalat work. Now me and boyfriend sitting on a hill chat, the director made ​​the film idea mask of blood .
To say thanks her new romantic relationship was cast as the female lead, she answer?
- The Do Thanh An invited me to go casting for the role. Right from the start I do not want drama with horror elements because chickened weak shadow. But the director was his encouragement that I fit best for his character and Tinna Tinh penning. I had auditioned three to four times before being selected. I was shooting in the world for many years to count everyone knows clearly, my rigid. Never I ask relationships or ask for help to get the role at all.
She found herself pregnant when?
- At the end of the movie filmed mask of blood,  I fainted. At the hospital I found out she was pregnant two months. I do not think their unexpected pregnancy because of the time caught many film contract. My boyfriend and organizations also plan to marry later this year. Both are embarrassing. Because if so we elected to move the wedding back after childbirth.
My family was very educated, they do not accept is that I have not married but have children. At first I was scared to hide. Until the fourth month, I dare publicly because the growing belly. I loved being rebuked "before dinner gong" bringing disrepute to the family. I and my boyfriend took a while to convince relatives. They also do not want to create too much pressure on me when pregnant.
Newly pregnant, recently filming, her how health care?
- As expected, I did not have to complete the unfinished film plans. On the set, I made it clear to his pregnant ekip that should be very good support crew. Theft chickened my child understand the plight of the mother should be very docile. I go filming all day, unborn baby lay sleeping. At night I lie in the new baby stirred. My pregnancy nausea or appetite is not what should be stable health.
Highway pregnant actress debut film "Blood Mask".
- Psychology how she changed when moms?
- My mind is quite erratic. Now do not want to cry cry, sometimes being happy again burst into tears. I temper calm and not as before. I'm sorry I have not fully prepared for motherhood psychology though I read a lot of books, ask more experienced people. I thought of her second child, I will prepare more thoroughly everything, especially his spirit to the development of the most favorable conditions.
Boyfriend How to help her?
- He always turns caring school, worried about me every meal, sleep.Thus I overcome all pressures encountered during pregnancy. Man of few words as he that shall speak out to protect me in the last scandal, made ​​me feel extremely comfortable. People say meet the conditions, so my wife depends on fate. I believe we have good conditions to live a debt

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