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» » Chi Pu - Gil Le: 'The pair' agitation Vietnamese showbiz!

Not only is an extremely intimate couple in real life, in showbiz Vietnam Le Chi Pu & Gil is currently one of the 'buddy' talented receiving favorite young audience.

Some years ago, when referring to Chi Pu, the public immediately think of a hot girl she regularly appeared on the newspaper for teenagers. Bang goes a while, she returned to attack the entertainment world and become one of the sought-after young stars today.

And Gil Le, after the date goes wrong with the music industry, she also is taking steps to assert himself as a versatile artist in many different areas such as film, hosted, ad model , ... Up to the present time, the couple Chi Pu and Gil Le initially had their own niche in showbiz with fans of a large audience.

Dare to live out his passion

Young people today often joked with one another, saying, "Great start nan, folk began to be discouraged". This is easily seen in a lot of new artists, just step into showbiz, activity was seen briefly disappeared without a trace.

But Chi Pu and Gil Le, the beginnings were not favorable, not less cope with the turbulent and failures, they still stand up, start over, try something new and hard life with passion . So what has been the result this time was worthy for such efforts.

The couple buddies that many people skeptical about emotional relationships are beginning to try on many different fields. The film project Love is the first film combination of both and create a lot of good to the audience sympathy.

Recently, Gil Le impressed when served as MC, VJ's more popular entertainment programs. With humor, fun and exciting way to lead, a former member of the X5 group is gradually asserted its name in this field.

Chi Pu also her best friend no less competitive when suddenly become the final piece of the program The Voice of Vietnam chatter 4th season ago, actress Love has held this role in the universal child Leap . Petite girl, who turns 23 just create public sympathy by the lovely, friendly and his sense of humor.

"The pair" on every frontline food ideas

In addition to a pair of close friends, if astute viewers will easily recognize that both Chi Pu and Gil Le is a 'buddy' food ideas in many fields from film, advertising MC. Although not incorporated many of the projects, but they are always ready to assist and support each other. Evidence that Chi Pu repeatedly appear in the scenes silently watched his friend.

To the present time, and Gil Le Chi Pu have a certain position in his career, with the enthusiastic support of the audience. Believes that, the pair will also go further if chosen right direction and maintain a burning passion as the first day step into showbiz.

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