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» » Cracks crisscrossing the Hai Van Pass Tunnel

 Invested more than $ 150 million of loans from the bank JBIC (Japan) and put into operation more than 10 years, so far, the Hai Van Pass Tunnel has several large cracks appeared, stretching.

May 6/2005, after more than 5 years of construction, the Hai Van Pass Tunnel was officially inaugurated and put into operation.

At the time of commissioning, with a length of over 6.3 km, the Hai Van Pass Tunnel is considered as one of the 30 large tunnel, the world's most modern and largest in Southeast Asia in terms of total investment length as well as the structural system.

Hai Van tunnel cracks, cracks crisscrossing the Hai Van tunnel, Hai Van Pass Tunnel, tunnel trillion
Hai Van tunnel cracks, cracks crisscrossing the Hai Van tunnel, Hai Van Pass Tunnel, tunnel trillion
The cracks extend in the Hai Van Tunnel
Once completed, the Hai Van Pass Tunnel was handed over to the Management Company Hai Van Pass Tunnel (HAMADECO) takeover, operation and use. It is worth mentioning, in the period before and after the handover HAMADECO management and investment company shares Deo (July 11/2015) to this unit expansion project Phase 2 tunnels, according to records PV, system dome cracks appeared more serious, with a threat to the structural safety.

Reporter noted by recent shows in the dome of the tunnel system from km3 to about km5 + 800, the last time continuous cracks appear. These cracks extend, create gaps along the tunnel.

Hai Van tunnel cracks, cracks crisscrossing the Hai Van tunnel, Hai Van Pass Tunnel, tunnel trillion
There are cracks open to 1cm
This phenomenon extends continuously at both sides of the tunnel dome system. There are many passages, the cracks extending from 3-4m. Along with that, the gap between 0.3 - 1 cm well formed, seriously affecting beauty as well as the risk of degradation signaling works.

Mr. Nguyen Tan Dong, representing the company's branch in eGovernment Deo central region and Tay Nguyen said that cracks in the Hai Van tunnel appeared before the reception unit managers from the company management tunnel Hai road (before May 11/2015).

Mr East said: "The cracks are only aesthetically influenced not affect the quality of the tunnel structure."

According to him, the Hai Van tunnel is designed and constructed according to the new tunnel construction method of Austria - NATM, lining up the structural design is not bearing structure, which is a structure to ensure that the structure, aesthetics, hanging systems and installation equipment such as lighting, observation, ventilation ... Therefore, the role of this structure in determining the strength of the Hai Van tunnel.

Hai Van tunnel cracks, cracks crisscrossing the Hai Van tunnel, Hai Van Pass Tunnel, tunnel trillion
Hai Van tunnel is operated 11 years ago but recently a lot of cracks appearing lasts
"Shellfish stew made of structural concrete and reinforced concrete, so there is no requirement against cracking with this kind of structure that only the provisions on control of cracks as the width does not exceed 0.3 mm" Mr East said.

Also according to the share of the company representatives eGovernment Deo, Hai Van tunnel after cracks appeared, this unit has hired consultants Nippon Koei (Japan) survey to assess the current situation and propose solutions to fix .

Talking to BBC, Le Dinh Tho - said Deputy Minister of Transport, Ministry leaders have grasped the information about Hai Van Pass Tunnel cracks appeared from the report of the investor.

The Ministry of Transport has directed the investor to invite an independent consultant, survey and exploration to identify the causes and seek treatment.
"Initial evaluation of the monitoring unit, the cracks were not seriously affect the quality as well as the exploitation of the tunnel but in the long term, to ensure the quality of works, they must completely settle the cracks appeared in the tunnel, "said Deputy Minister Le Dinh Tho.

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