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» » Learning to sleep experts

Learning to sleep experts

What you do before going to bed and when you do that may affect your sleep. Experts often say that the building of a regular routine in the evening will be helpful for people suffering from insomnia, and the study also shows that a certain number of habits such as a warm bath, and reduce the time in front Figure correlated with sleep quality.

Sleep experts and physicians who regularly help people improve their habits to better rest. Because they know very well what works and what does not, so let's listen to the experts talked about the habits and know-how to have a good sleep

Dr. Robert S. Rosenberg

1. About an hour before going to bed, I usually want to drink a small smoothie. Surely that is sour cherry juice, which in a recent study at the University of Louisiana showed increasing effect of sleep, because melatonin concentrations of nutrients as well as inhibiting the distribution plant cancellation of tryptophan.

I also eat a banana contains tryptophan, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Tryptophan is converted into serotonin and melatonin. Magnesium and potassium relaxes the muscle and nerve cells, and B6 needed for the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin.

I add a little almond milk for more tryptophan and magnesium. Finally, a bit of flaxseed for omega 3 tend to calm.

2. Meditation or relaxation increased. Both techniques are making stress levels cause sleeplessness. They promote relaxation both psychological and muscular. They inhibit the sympathetic nervous system and increase the product's parasympathetic nervous system to relax. Very casually, I'm combining these techniques into a treatment program for patients with insomnia.

3. A cup of green tea or chrysanthemum tea. Green tea contains theanine, an amino acid has the ability to pass the blood brain barrier. It increases alpha waves in the brain. Waves alpha waves seen on EEG during awake period right before bedtime to relax. This is probably one of the ways that theanine create a relaxed state and reduce anxiety.

Chrysanthemum contains apigenin, a plant compound stimulates the receptors in the brain to calm Gabba and help promote sleep.

4. My Bedroom no computers, no electronic devices, including televisions and mobile phones. All these devices emit blue light inhibits melatonin.

TS. Carolyn Dean

1. Magnesium is a mineral known anti-stress, anxiety, and is a natural supporter of sleep. Many studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing anxiety and stress, as well as bed depth. Over 75% of women do not get enough dietary magnesium daily recommendations. Magnesium is also a cofactor in enzymatic reactions 700-800 in the body.

Magnesium deficiency can amplify stress and anxiety, sleep problems and difficulty making you sleep peacefully. Production and function of serotonin, a substance in the brain that brings "good feeling" to be increased artificially by some medications, depends on magnesium.

Not all forms of magnesium are easily absorbed by the body. Powdered magnesium citrate is an easily absorbed form can be mixed with hot or cold water and sip at work or at home throughout the day.

2. The electrical and electromagnetic radiation in the bedroom is another factor that you need to know that we made for sleeping and staying asleep more difficult. Keep them to a minimum, do not sleep next to mobile phones, computers, televisions and so on ...

3. Room temperature: 20 degrees Celsius is ideal, if hotter it can disrupt your sleep and make sleep more difficult.

4. The evening of bedrooms: As dark as possible.

5. Eating before bed will affect the quality of sleep. Avoid sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates single, all those things can affect sleep quality.

6. Exercise before bedtime can also cause sleep disorders.

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