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» » » Experience a night in Patong Thailand's red-light district

Experience a night in Patong Thailand's red-light district

Speaking of Bangkok Thailand, necessarily everyone has heard of the name red-light district of Patong, a famous street is the red light does not sleep, with the screen sex show or shopping paradise with numerous commercial centers crowded.

Red light district of Patong Thailand bustling nightlife

Situated in the heart of the capital Bangkok, Patpong though fairly small neighborhood and just a few hundred meters long but has hundreds of bars, karaoke bars hugging, massage venues, striptease with signs show girls, super girls ... with all the calls such as Thai, Chinese, Japanese, English attached illustrations are scantily clad girls with enough inviting posture.

Despite travel to Thailand a few times but really no occasion for me to visit the red light district and visit the famous Bangkok this. In Thailand tour last 3 days cheap, guided by acquaintances, we went to the neighborhood Patpong. At 20h, Patpong neighborhood passersby rhythm, lights flashing brilliant colors, the stage show performed sex was opened, inside there were hundreds of young girls are strippers completely bend on the stage to dance to the tune agitation.

The girls stood spill out into the street to pull visitors

Even the doorways, young girls wearing revealing bikinis came down the road offering guests visiting the neighborhood. Friends took us inside a bar seemed quite large and bustling. Along the entrance with 2 young men standing side friendly smile and took us into the seat. Exciting emerging music, glow colorful vivid swept through like a real music theater. On stage, the girls were strippers completely bend step dancers dance with men, including transgender girls.

Stay on the 2nd floor, 3rd floor of the bar is located in the red light district where sex show usually illegal and often controversy occurred because of the bill the customer is always under control. If you fall in this case it is best not to say anything and fully paid by invoice, then quietly brought the bill to the Tourist Police office at the end of Patpong. The police will attach it to the bar with you and help you get a refund.

The illegal sex show still occur regularly in the neighborhood Patong

Patong one night to discover the true will tell you the new feel, unique in the country exploring Thailand's you. Come this occasion to learn more about it offline.

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