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» » Cancer doctor revealed the secret to maintaining health

Cancer doctor revealed the secret to maintaining health

There is a hug every day is the key to optimize the immune system; should not use the alarm clock, if reluctantly wake up means the body has not yet fully rested.
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Over 40% of the daily action of habit rather than conscious decision. According to Dr. David Agusm cancer, too many people to the ingrained habit of destroying life on health. As one of the leading cancer doctors in the world, professor of medicine at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and head of the Center of USC Westside Cancer, Dr. David Agusm revealed some new tricks improves health improvement from the performance of small daily habits on the Morning News.

Limiting processed foods

The bacteria in our body cells more than 10 times. We called the microbiome and play an important role quality health decisions each person. Scientists are still studying to be able to adjust the microbiome to prevent and treat a variety of chronic diseases simply by tweaking the diet.

A study by scientists of Georgia State University in the journal Nature this year, warned the harmful emulsifier on the microbiome. Emulsifiers are found in processed foods such as ice cream, salad dressings, cream cheese ... Emulsifiers break the protective layer protects intestinal mucosa. The result is intestinal bacteria can cause inflammation, interfere with the system adjusting appetite and lead to chronic inflammation.

Healthy mice eat emulsifiers have developed inflammatory bowel disease, metabolic disorders cause more food. After a while they become obese, rising blood sugar causes diabetes.

There is a hug every day
There is a hug every day is the key to optimize the immune system. Photo: Morning News.
There is a hug every day is the key to optimize the immune system. Photo: Morning News.
If you want to optimize the immune system, may be the key to hug. Like a magic wand, the exposure of humans have the power to change the heart rate, blood pressure levels and lower cortisol, stimulate the hippocampus to enhance memory.

A study from the University of Virginia and Pittsburgh involving more than 400 people in two weeks, ask about the number of implementing the daily hugs and social interaction. Then these men were sent to the hotel rooms on the floor isolated, where they are exposed to a common cold virus.

About 3/4 of them have been infected or have signs of the disease. People with social interaction, such as hugging, kissing, cuddling ... most for passing infection with symptoms less than.

Avoid making friends with people who make you feel

Harmony mood will help significantly improve health. Excessive exposure to the moody, often make you sad trigger bad mood, bad influence on the body.

Do not use an alarm clock

Continuous access online media, artificial light, check the phone and email continuity that many people with insomnia. Steering sleep more physiological rhythms of the body. One of the important role of sleep helps the brain is establishing hormonal balance. Including hormones that control appetite, manage stress, heal and fight infections, burn fat, refreshing the skin and bones.

Hormone sleep can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, enhance memory, improve concentration, renewable heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and rejuvenate the organs and tissues.

Can track sleep, recorded bedtime, wake up and the amount of sleep every day to find the optimal sleep time, their own best fit. Do not use an alarm clock. Go to bed when you feel tired. If reluctant to wake up alarm clock means that the body has not yet fully rested. Discontinue use of electronic devices before bedtime, because the light they emit can prevent the production of the hormone melatonin induce sleep.

Do not use the alarm clock, if reluctant to wake up the body has not yet meant enough rest.

Walk every day

Loses strength with age is inevitable. The study showed that 450 minutes of exercise each week is an excellent way to maintain a long healthy life, limiting the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer.

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