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» » Billionaire secrets of the world's 3rd richest

dependence varies Jeff Bezos has passed legendary investor Warren Buffett to write his name into the Top 3 richest people on the planet. According to Bloomberg, Bezos owns a property portfolio worth $ 67 billion, second only to the co-founder of Microsoft - Bill Gates and boss Zara fashion empire - Amancio Ortega.

From an idea was brought up in the garage, Bezos has built Amazon into a giant in the ecommerce industry. And one of the keys to success 52 years old billionaire is the philosophy "empty chair".

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO

In everyday life, Bezos is considered a jovial and smiling, but at work he was extremely strict and meticulous.

When newly established Amazon, Bezos always put an empty chair for each meeting. He told all the participants that this chair always sat - who has the most important role to Amazon. Bezos mentioned character is none other as "customers".

According to Bezos, our customers are the boss has the supreme power in the Amazon while he is the guardian of all activities that affect it. Therefore, every decision the company made in the meetings are always customer-centric. Bezos feel uncomfortable with things as uncomfortable as customers delay, the error or out of stock ...

Tina Patterson, brand management in the Amazon from 2007 to 2011 to share unforgettable memories commercials when browsing for eBooks Kindle. While everyone chuckled when he saw the image of a Kindle reader becomes bullfighter and the bull was released into the air, then Bezos reacted completely opposite. He said: "I know, advertising is very interesting and very funny cow. But customers will feel they are being gored in the butt. We can not make them suffer."

In 2009, Amazon used to make customers angry when deleting both copies of controversial book "Animal Farm" and "1984" George Orwell writer. For Bezos, anything to hurt customers also hurt yourself. Therefore, after this incident he personally wrote a letter of apology sent to all customers. In the letter concludes: "Our workaround for this problem was stupid, short-sighted and sadly left the basic business principle of the company ... We pledge henceforth will give more thorough decision. "

1964 Entrepreneurs always clearly defined, instead of waiting for opponents of the product before and learn from the things he needs to do is listen to what the customer needs and wants.

Over the years, Amazon has been continuously adding new features to its products with the sole purpose is to make customers happy.

One example of this is the feature of the Amazon.com book reviews. At first, publishers are not satisfied with the Amazon allows people Book Reviews. However, companies still encourage customers posting their thoughts, whether positive thoughts or negative.

Have to say, the philosophy of "Customer No. 1" has contributed to give Bezos and Amazon to its current glory.

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