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» » Try different perspective on "right to die"

  Actually euthanasia issue also called "euthanasia" was debated, discussed in some countries the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Canada ... and is also less than ten countries allows implementation of "euthanasia".
When discussing this topic, many comments argue that implementing the right to die is a humanitarian act, or believe to be dead as well as a variety of human rights
Thus the right to life.

But many analysts and even in terms of doctors proved that the truth behind the implementation of "euthanasia" is a policy based on economic rather than human rights or humanitarian grounds .

The implementation of "euthanasia" to help governments to save a lot of medical care budget, people's health by simply injecting an injection of $ 10 or extubation is to help the patient breathe ... out died peacefully. This means the cost will be much less than the billions of dollars that the government has to spend on health care or medical care for patients.

According to the data reference from a Canadian doctor Paul Lefort, up to 80% of patients in this country do not have access to the service "temporary treatment", that kind of treatment to help cure that is to get better reduce the pain of the patient physically and mentally because they have no money or because the state does not provide funding to perform the treatment (Source: http://www.aleteia.org/fr/sante/ Actualités / quebec-leuthanasie-cest-économique-5954002).

Meanwhile, law and politics professor at the University of Paris 2 Jean-Claude Martinez made a simple calculation: the intensive care patient costs about 5,000 euros heavy / day, if prolonged life for ten days the cost will be 50,000 and multiply to 200,000 severely ill patients, the cost of about 10 billion euros and this government to balance the budget.

Thus, in the context of the economy is difficult, slow growth rate plus budget deficit tends to increase, austerity policies, along with the proportion of old people in the days more population structure was seen as a burden to family and society.

The euthanasia policy implementation, despite being dubbed the "death with dignity" is actually to do for patients with serious illnesses, can not afford to pay for the temporary treatment services are dying faster to reduce the economic burden for the state.

Therefore, Jean-Claude Martinez professor called euthanasia is "extreme stage of capitalism" because it is an expression of repudiation of the state in health care for people.

Therefore, in our opinion, implementing or not implementing the policy of "euthanasia" in VN needs to be discussed more broadly and to the arguments more clearly because of the human right to life.

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