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» » Tien Dat wish Hari Won: 'Wishing you happy centennial ring with me'

Before he became the protagonist of the screen at the restaurant that proposes to prepare Tran Thanh, Tien Dat Hari has also been proposed to.

Not only candles prepare heart-shaped decorations ratings, a huge bouquet of roses, Tran Thanh also specifically requested to do a bar with the words LED panels bringing Korean content, "Hari, as Mine! ". After returning from the US, Hari Won was welcomed straight to the famous bar where Tran Thanh High is waiting to exchange words of love. The preparation and romantic as this film has turned Hari became the happiest girl last night showbiz Vietnam.

Along with the events of this epic marriage proposal, many blessings have been sent to the couple Tran Thanh - Hari Won. It seems the desire to propose a formal and fussy old days of Hari Won has come true. Also in on the fun, many people remembered Tien Dat. 9-year love story of Hari Tien Dat and been the subject of no less paper and ink costs of the press, including a moment of love or farewell. However, if Hari Tran Thanh causing unquenchable smile with sweet curtain poles suitors, the former Hari back once confided unhappy about Tien Dat's proposal.

In an interview when he was in love, Hari said, "Quen together 6 years but I do not see him speak Dat then make 10 years after that he proposed to take. Dat always just say: "Baby marriage paperwork going." For Hari, it is not a marriage proposal. Is proposed to have a decent, in a luxurious place, to have a beautiful ring, with melodious music, romantic, not just a speech like that. He just said: "Making marriage certificate goes, making a marriage certificate goes'."
Not only when there are two people, in the program 'Lunch fun' aired last year, Tien Dat has also proposed to publicly display with Hari. He knelt down and use the ring to propose to Hari grass ... indirect way: "Wishing you happy hundred years. With wearers (rings) for that child. " For this proposal scenarios, Hari had to say thank you and joked that next time hopefully get Tien Dat has proposed marriage with a diamond ring as big as my face.

Although there is no end to the fullness of the love story, but after all Tien Dat, Tran Thanh Hari was just the way his marriage proposal and retains close ties with the old man as two brothers. Tran Thanh hopes couples - Hari will soon announce the next time blow.

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