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» » Alvin Toffler - author of Future Shock died

Alvin Toffler He - the author of the book deeply influenced the Chinese leaders, the US and many magnate died.
Alvin Toffler - author of Future Shock died
Alvin Toffler Author - Reuters
According to the Washington Post, scholars with profound vision of social change, especially known for two works Future Shock (Future Shock) and third wave of wave (The third wave) breathed his last at age 87 at his home on June 27-6 in Los Angeles, USA.

Mr. Toffler wrote over a dozen books shows the visualization of cultural change in the 20th century when the economy based on the production shifted to the economy based on knowledge and technology.

Collaborating with his wife - Mrs. Heidi Toffler in the works, he predicted, and opens the concept that he called "the information age" and became a master in many areas with the world's politicians.

In a newspaper interview with People's Daily in 2006, he said: "No one is sure to be the future. However, we can identify the model change is happening ".

The 1980s and 1990s, the period of the emerging economies of Asia increase gradually the position, the Asian leaders as the late Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang, trying premier Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore and late president South Korea Kim Dae-jung have learned from the sharing of his vision Toffler.

In 1994, the president of the US House Newt Gingrich has been calling MPs to read his latest book, Toffler's book Creating a new civilization (Creating a new civilzation).

His work also greatly affect Toffler billionaire Mexican - Carlos Slim, the richest man who became the world in a long time.

According to her Web site Tofflers, more than 15 million copies to date Future Shock sold.

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