In a press conference the final round of Miss Vietnam 2016 north in Hanoi, Ky Duyen Anh Thuy Van and Tu are coming quite late when the program began.
Miss Vietnam beauty contest is always devoted a lot of attention from the public. Final round of the South has picked out 30 beautiful people step into the final round. 5/7 brightness, press conferences northern final round contest Miss Vietnam 2016 took place in Hanoi.
In a press conference in Hanoi, with the presence of the guest in the role Ngoc Han HH MC, runner Thuy Van, runner Xiuying, Miss America runner and Huyen My Duyen. The program is scheduled to begin at 9:30 pick-runner but only Miss Ngoc Han Huyen My and venues present at the press conference. Runner Thuy Van, Miss America runner Xiuying Coast and have to appear 10h30, when the program began 10 minutes. These three beauties are hurried into the front row for the guests when the program is ongoing.
According to BTC, the program started later than expected due to the delay of a number of invited guests. The tardiness of the stars in showbiz Vietnam seems to be an inherent disease. Recently, the artist has spoken out on his personal page, expressed annoyance when she had to wait two hours to wait for the event started, though on time stated on the invitation. Ourselves as others in the field, she also said that many young artists habitually indifferent to delay her at the last minute just to get noticed as a star class A.
Although HHVN press conference late in 2016 began 1 hour, HH Ky Duyen đang

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