What diet should fat people
What diet should fat people
If you are obese or overweight, you should change the diet and hard
physical activity even more.
Here are tips for your diet:
- For maintaining the necessary protein to the body, opt for protein-rich
foods such as low-fat meat, shrimp, crab, fish, lean sausage, soy milk, format,
eggs, skimmed milk powder, yogurt made from skimmed milk, beans.
- Use the glucide fiber as whole wheat bread, whole grains, potato
- Provide adequate vitamins and minerals: The below 1,200 kcal diet often
lacking essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, vitamin E ... You
should drink more mineral and multivitamin daily.
- Eat vegetables and fruits 500 g per day, in the form of processing
boiled, cooked soup, made mannequin, vegetables and salad.
- Eat salt very limited, less than 6 g per day, if you have hypertension,
only 2-4 grams per day.
Do not use:
- Foods high in fat: fat meat, meat broth, butter, pork leg meat ...
- Foods high in cholesterol: brain, heart, liver, kidney, heart pig ...
- The added fat dishes: Bread butter, butter mixed vegetables, stir-fries,
- Energy rich foods such as sugar, jam, candy, cakes, chocolate, soft
drinks ...
- The stimulant drinks: wine, beer, coffee ...
Here are some of the methods used special diets for obese people:
Very low dietary energy: As a liquid diet, energy of 800 kcal per day,
while maintaining high-protein high biological value and supplemented with
vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and essential fatty acids appliance. The
implementation is very low dietary energy should only lasts 12-16 weeks and completely
replace meals with regular food. This mode is only for obese people with a
BMI> 30, and especially those with accompanying disorders such as type 2
diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea can attack.
Meal replacement method by drinking: Unlike diets very low energy is only
one or two meals were replaced with oral rather than the entire diet.
In addition to the application of
a special diet, you should also maintain your exercise routine at least 30
minutes a day with the type of walking, swimming, aerobics, cycling ... With a
kg of fat of the body to provide enough energy for walking or brisk walking 100
km. If you walk 2.5 km (ie take 20-30 minutes walking) a day and regularly
performed in 5d per week so they will drop about 6.5 kg of fat in a year with
conditions no energy leftovers.

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