Protect children from the plague
of summer
Add the vegetables, the fruit into daily diets,
vaccination, immune enhancement supplement ... will help children improve
resistance and prevention capabilities.
Hot sun began to signal the dangerous disease such as
viral fever (fever virus), fever, pox, limbs, diarrhea ... Children are
sensitive subjects, easily infected by the immune system developed, less
To protect health for children, parents should let the
baby full vaccination according to the national immunization program. In
addition to 5 in a vaccine, measles vaccination note mother, pox, Japanese
encephalitis for children, by this is the best measure for prevention of these
diseases. With viral outbreaks have not had vaccines as the virus zika, fever,
dengue fever, his mouth ... parents should protect baby from sources spread the
disease, immune booster.
In addition, parents do not put baby to places which are
translated or Eastern people such as hospitals, dock, car dock ...; kill
mosquito and insect transmission of the disease; always getting the baby for
sleep. If your child is suffering from chicken pox, limbs mouth or viral fever
... parents should give children for school health care, must be temporary to
avoid spreading for you.

Plant nutrition can help boost metabolism, strengthens
the physical health of the child, from which strong immune up help.
Accordingly, parents can give baby eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each
day. Part of eating the equivalent of about two tablespoons for toddlers, and
about a cup of small for big baby.
In addition to caring about nutrition, hygiene for
children, improving the resistance, immune booster is the important factor.
Parents can supplement these substances increased resistance, immune booster
directly as Beta (1.3/1.6)-D-Glucan. This is the immune enhancing substances
directly through activating antibodies and macrophages leukemia increased
activity against pathogens.
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