Use Snapdragon 652 processor and 3GB
of RAM, G5 SE is to be available officially in Latin American markets and some
other countries.
LG G5, SE iPhone price dropped after
only a short time
Appears LG G5 SE, SE iPhone rival?
Things to know before you buy LG G5
Dissections LG G5: smart components
sorted, easily repaired
In the presentation at the LG Tech
Show 2016 G5, LG has introduced its latest flagship units have many new
improvements, particularly assembly design module format. However, instead of
Snapdragon 820 chip and 4GB RAM, G5 was introduced in Vietnam owns 652
Snapdragon processor and 3GB RAM memory capacity.
LG G5 was introduced in Vietnam is the
Besides, the G5 version Snapdragon 652
processor and 3GB RAM also was introduced in Latin America and some other
countries. It is quite coincidental, in recent times, information on the G5 SE
began to appear more on the technology page. The G5 SE version is likely to be
"stripped" from the line G5 hardware. Because, G5 introduced in
Vietnam are very similar configuration equipped with G5 SE ..
LG G5 was introduced in Vietnam is the
Thus, the G5 SE lower processor G5,
while using less than 1GB of RAM. The remaining features of the two versions on
almost nothing changed, even if the design is the same through the Quick Cover
casing are suitable for all versions of the G5.
LG G5 was introduced in Vietnam is the
From the above information is summarized, LG likely had
introduced the G5 in Vietnam in recent years actually belong G5 SE, thanks be
based on Snapdragon 652 processor and 3GB RAM.
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